If you're here reading this, chances are you've encountered an error message saying “HTML5 video file not found” while trying to play a video on the internet. It can be quite annoying when you come across this error, especially if the video you're trying to watch is important to you. It could be a tutorial, a valuable news piece, or just something for a good laugh.

But don't worry, there are solutions to fix the "HTML5 video file not found" error. In this article, we'll present you with seven effective methods to fix this error. We'll also discuss its causes and provide guidelines to ensure a seamless experience when dealing with video elements.

html5 video file not found
  1. Part 1: HTML5 Video File Not Found Overview
  2. Part 2: How to Fix HEML5 Video File Not Found?
  3. Part 3: How to Repair Corrupted HTML5 Video Files?HOT
  4. Part 4. Guidelines for HTML5 Video Files
  5. FAQs about HTML5 Video File Not Found

Part 1: HTML5 Video File Not Found Overview

In this section, we will go through what HTML video files are and what the ‘HTML5 video file not found’ error means. This overview will also include the reasons behind getting this error message. 

What is HTML5 Video File?

HTML5 is the advanced video element necessary to play videos online instead of outdated Adobe Flash plugins. This element is the preferred choice of many web developers for its compatibility with different browsers and sought-after video attributes. When receiving an "HTML5 not found" error, it may mean either the browser does not support the video's format, some codecs are missing, or the website is experiencing issues.

What’s the Cause of HTML5 Video File Not Found?

Understanding the root cause of the "HTML5 video file not found" error is crucial for effective resolution. Let's take a look at the possible causes:

Backend Issues: When there are glitches in the website's code, it can lead to the "HTML5 video file not found" error. This occurs due to backend issues that make the video inaccessible. Web developers can resolve this problem from their end.

Browser compatibility Issues: If a video plays well on one browser but displays the "HTML5 video file not found" error on another, it indicates a browser compatibility issue. This error can also occur if the browser version you're using does not support the HTML5 video codec used on the website. Updating your browser to the latest version can help resolve this problem.

Cookies & Caches: Cookies and caches can sometimes cause issues with video playback on web pages, especially when there are malicious bugs present. Trying to play the video in incognito mode can help determine if cookies and caches are the culprits.

Old Video Compatibility Issues: Older videos on the internet may still rely on flash players, which can cause the "HTML5 video file not found" error when attempting to play them in a browser that only supports HTML5 video files. This happens because these videos lack the necessary HTML5 elements.

Part 2: How to Fix HTML5 Video File Not Found

Fortunately, an error like "HTML5 video file not found" can be fixed. In this section, we will highlight and elaborate on the different methods by which this issue can be resolved with.

Fix 1: Fix HTML5 Video Not Found by Updating Your Browser

Not all browser versions support the use of HTML5 video files. So, before moving on to other fixes check to see that your current browser version supports HTML5 videos. If it doesn’t, then you may want to update it. You will need to know the current version of your browser to be able to check if it is compatible with HTML5 videos. Follow the steps below to check the current version of your browser. Because Google Chrome is one of the most used browsers on the planet, we will be using it for this illustration.

Step 1: Launch your Chrome browser. Then navigate to the three-dotted icon located at the upper-right corner of your screen and click on it.

Step 2: Click on "Help" and then select "About Google Chrome" from the pop-up menu.

click on about google chrome

Step 3: If you see the option "Update Google Chrome" then it means your browser is of an older version. Click on it to update to the latest version. The absence of the option means your browser is up to date – if this is the case then you need to move on to the next fix.

updating google chrome

Fix 2: Clean your Browser Cookies & Caches to Fix HTML5 Not Found

For a browser to be user-friendly, cookies and caches are essential elements to the progression of this course. They are temporary storage mediums for a small chunk of data. If left unchecked, they tend to accumulate with time causing the browser to perform more slowly than usual. This can lead to difficulties when playing videos online. Clear your cookies and caches and then play the video after refreshing the page. Follow the steps below to clear cookies and caches on your Chrome browser.

  1. Launch Google Chrome, then navigate to and click on the three-dotted icon at the upper-right corner of your screen. From the dropdown menu click on More tools> Clear browsing data.

    clear browsing data
  2. From the pop-up window, tick both boxes beside “cookies and other site data” and “cached images and files”, select a time range, and then proceed by clicking ‘Clear data’.

    clear browsing data

Fix 3: Reinstall HTML5 Supporting Codecs to Fix HTML5 Not Found

As earlier mentioned, if your browser does not support the codecs format of the HTML5 video you are trying to access, the video won’t play. In such situations, you can contact the web developer to reinstall HTML5-supporting codecs.

Fix 4: Turn off Hardware Acceleration to Fix HTML Error Loading

Hardware acceleration in chrome aid with accelerating graphics-intensive media such as games, and videos. The hardware acceleration feature transfers the workload from your computer’s CPU to its GPU (Graphics processing unit). Turning off this feature can resolve some processing problems on chrome by placing the burden of loading a page on the CPU. This can potentially solve the "HTML5 video file not found" error. Execute this fix by following the steps below.

  1. Launch Google Chrome, then navigate to the three-dotted icon located at the upper-right corner of the screen. From the popup menu click on ‘Settings’.
  2. On the Settings window, click the ‘Advanced’ option and then click on ‘System’. On the next window, you will see the ‘Use hardware acceleration…’ option. Turn it off if it’s on.

    use hardware acceleration when available

Fix 5: Start Browser in Safe Mode to Open HTML5 Video

Whenever there’s a browser issue, browsing in "Safe Mode" may be the only solution you need. But with the "HTML5 video file not found" error, it will require much more than that. You see, browsing in Safe mode will help you identify browser issues (Identifying the problem is always the first step to take in solving a problem) to enable you to fix them properly. If the video plays without any form of interruption when using Safe Mode, then it means both your plugins and extension are the culprits or your browser settings. Below are the features of Safe Mode.

  • They automatically turn off the hardware acceleration feature.
  • Safe Mode restores Chrome’s browser settings to default. 
  • All add-ons and plugins are disabled.

Fix 6: Download the HTML5 Video to Fix Video File Not Found

If at this point the "HTML5 video file not found" error isn’t fixed, downloading the video from the webpage to your computer may be the best option. Proceed by downloading a reliable HTML5 video downloader to save your desired videos from the internet.

Fix 7: Open HTML5 Video in Incognito Mode to Fix HTML5 Loading Error

Incognito Mode allows a user to browse the internet without the interference of cookies and catches. This fix becomes effective if your cookies and caches are the culprits. On your keyboard, press the Ctrl + Shift + N keys to open Google Chrome in Incognito Mode.

open google chrome in incognito mode

For Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers, ‘New Private Window’ is referred to as Incognito Mode. If the "HTML5 video file not found" error is fixed after applying this method, the causes of the error message are likely add-ons or plug-ins. Fix this issue in normal mode by removing add-ons and plug-ins, or setting your Google Chrome settings to default.

Part 3: How to Repair Corrupted HTML5 Video Files?

In some cases, a corrupted or damaged video file on a website can lead to the "HTML5 video file not found" error. In such situations where the video in question is of great importance, downloading and then repairing the video file may be the only option. To do so, you will need the assistance of third-party software. The recommended software for such scenarios is 4DDiG File Repair software. 4DDiG File Repair is a tool that repairs any damaged or corrupted photos and videos on a computer or other devices, the likes of SD cards, USBs, and others. This software is quite effective and works for all scenarios. Below are the features of 4DDiG File Repair software.

  • It works for all video formats including MOV, MP4, M4V, MKV, and 3GP, amongst others.
  • It is compatible with Windows computers, Mac and other devices the likes of USB flash drives, HDDs, SD cards, etc.
  • It works even with camera brands like Canon, DJI, and GoPro.
  • The repair process is fast.

Below are the steps to take to repair a damaged video file using 4DDiG File Repair software.


For PC

Secure Download



Secure Download

  1. Download and launch DDiG File Repair software on your computer. Go to the Video Repair tab and click the "Fix Video Errors" option.
  2. video repair
  3. On the next window, click the Add button to import your corrupt or damaged videos. Then click on ‘Start Repair’ to proceed.
  4. add video to repair
  5. Once the repair process is completed, you can either preview the result or proceed to export and save your repaired video file. Always save your repaired files to a safe and secure location.
  6. export repaired videos

Part 4. Guidelines for HTML5 Video FilesHOT

Videos play a crucial role on websites, serving purposes like advertisement, entertainment, and communication. Among web developers, HTML5 is the preferred choice for incorporating videos into webpages. HTML5 stands out for its user-friendly nature, reliability, and widespread trust. It simplifies the process of streaming videos online. To ensure a seamless experience when uploading and viewing videos, here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • Know your target audience: Consider your audience's preferences when uploading videos to a webpage.
  • Test and modify: Create a video prototype and make necessary modifications before public upload.
  • Size and compression: Optimize video file size to prevent compression issues.
  • Check browser compatibility: Ensure your chosen video format is supported by the browser you're using.
  • Quality and file size: Balance video quality with file size considerations for optimal performance.
  • Consider video attributes: Take into account width, height, and controls when uploading an HTML5 video.
  • Choose reliable video hosting: Opt for a paid video hosting service for prioritized support.

Following these guidelines will prevent the "HTML5 video files not found" error from occurring.

FAQs about HTML5 Video File Not Found

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to the "HTML5 video files not found" error.

What format of video does HTML5 not support?

HTML5 supports a variety of video formats, but it does not natively support the Flash Video (FLV) format and has limited support for the Windows Media Video (WMV) format.

What formats do I need for HTML5 video?

For HTML5 video, it is recommended to provide your video in the MP4, WebM, and Ogg formats. These formats ensure broad compatibility across different browsers and devices.

How to make a video responsive in HTML5?

To make a video responsive in HTML5, wrap the video element inside a container element and apply CSS styles to the container. Set the container's padding-bottom to create the desired aspect ratio (e.g., 56.25% for a 16:9 ratio), and set the video element to have a position of absolute with a width and height of 100%. This will ensure the video adjusts its size and maintains the aspect ratio when viewed on different devices or screen sizes.


Being able to watch videos on the internet is of utmost importance, which is why developers make use of the HTLM5 video element. However, if you make mistakes when uploading HTML5 videos to web pages, and as a result, you begin to encounter the “HTML5 video files not found” error, you can apply any of the above-listed fixes. They are effective and are guaranteed to fix the problems that come with HTML5: video file not found. Sometimes, videos on web pages do not play because they’ve been damaged or corrupted before being uploaded by the web developer. Downloading the video and then repairing it with third-party software becomes the best solution. 4DDiG File Repair is highly recommended for such tasks as it is fast, safe, and easy to use.

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4DDiG Photo/Video Repair

4DDiG File Repair is your second to none choice to repair any damaged or corrupted photos & videos on Windows and Mac.

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