How to Repair Corrupted Excel File Online Free [8 Ways]

Struggling to repair corrupted Excel files? Our comprehensive guide presents various effective methods to tackle this issue. Get your valuable data back with ease using 4DDiG File Repair.

5 mins read

Updated on 2025-02-25 18:31:18 to Corrupted File Repair

How do I uncorrupt a File?

"I have got a corrupted excel file. I tried so many methods like repairing, changing properties and so on. but no progress. It's still giving me an error"

-Question from Microsoft Community

Have you ever encountered a frustrating situation where you eagerly tried to open a critical Excel file, only to be met with the disheartening message, "The file is corrupted and cannot be opened"? Data corruption can be a nightmare for anyone relying on Microsoft Excel for work or personal projects.

this file is corrupted and cannot be opened

But worry not! In this comprehensive guide, we will show you step-by-step solutions and practical techniques to repair corrupted Excel files manually or online free and quickly salvage your data. It will ensure you regain access to your vital spreadsheets.

Part 1. How to Repair Corrupted Excel File Online Free

Considering that a majority of users are seeking a one-stop solution to repair damaged Excel file online for free, We will introduce the hot-discussed solution in the first part . That is to turn to the 4DDiG Free Online File Repair tool for a reliable and free solution without installation needed.

Specifically designed to repair various corrupted document formats, including including Excel workbooks, this web-based tool can effortlessly repair any Excel errors and recover your valuable data with ease.

How to Repair Excel File Online Free Using 4DDiG File Repair Online Version:

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the free online Excel File Repair tool.
  • Click on the "Upload File" button and select the corrupted Excel file you wish to repair.

    upload corrupted excel file to 4ddig online file repair
  • Once the Excel file is uploaded successfully, hit the "Repair" or "Repair All" button. Afterward, the tool will automatically start the repair process and finish it in a short time.

    repair corrupted excel file online
  • Upon completion, a download button will appear, indicating that your Excel file is repaired. Click it to download the repaired file onto your computer.

More Tips: Repair Corrupted Excel Files with Dedicate File Repair Tool

When faced with stubborn Excel file corruption, seeking the expertise of a professional Excel File Repair Tool like: 4DDiG File Repair is the ideal solution. This specialized tool is designed to handle even the most challenging Excel file corruptions with ease and efficiency. Let's explore the powerful features it offers:

Third-party Excel repair tools can be a viable alternative. Research reputable software solutions, as some tools excel at recovering data from severely corrupted Excel files. Carefully evaluate user reviews and select a reliable tool to optimize your chances of successful recovery.

  • Support various file formats, including documents, photos, videos, and audio files.
  • Utilize advanced algorithms for successful file repair.
  • User-friendly interface for easy use, even for non-technical users.
  • Batch processing for repairing multiple files at once.
  • Preview repaired files before saving.

Here's how to repair corrupted Excel files with 4DDiG File Repair:

  • Download and install the 4DDiG File Repair tool on your computer. Once installed, launch it.


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  • On the main interface, go to the File Repair tab and click the Add File button to choose the corrupted files you need to repair.

    add damaged excel file to 4ddig file repair
  • Click on the "Start Repair" button to initiate the repair process. The tool will scan and analyze each corrupted Excel file to determine the extent of the damage.

    start repair damaged excel document 4ddig
  • Once the process is complete, preview and select the repaired Excel files. Click the "Export Selected" button to save them to your system.

    preview and save repaired excel workbook

After the repaired Excel files are exported, you should be able to access and open them without any issue.

Part 2. How to Recover Corrupted Excel File Manually in 6 Ways

Restoring your valuable data from a corrupted Excel file is a pressing concern, but fret not. Apart from the above one-stop free online solution, you can also try the following effective solutions at your disposal. Let's now delve into the steps on how to repair a corrupted Excel file in those common ways.

Method 1. Repair Corrupted Excel File with Excel "Open and Repair" Feature

When faced with the error message stating "Excel file is corrupted and cannot be opened," there's no need to panic. Microsoft Excel offers a built-in Auto-Repair feature that can automatically attempt to repair corrupted Excel files. To utilize this feature, follow these steps:

  • Open Microsoft Excel and go to "File" tab in the top-left corner.
  • Click "Open" and navigate to the location of the corrupted Excel file you want to repair.
  • Before opening the file, click the small arrow next to the "Open" button and select "Open and Repair."

    open and repair corrupted excel file
  • Now go for the Repair option, and Excel will attempt to repair any corruption it detects and recover as much of the workbook data as possible.

    open and repair corrupted excel file

    If the Repair attempt proves unsuccessful, click "Extract Data" to extract the values and formulas from your corrupted workbook.

    extract data from corrupted excel file

Method 2. Recover Corrupted Excel File Using Excel’s AutoRecover

Excel has a built-in AutoRecover feature that automatically saves backup copies of your workbooks at regular intervals. This feature proves to be a lifesaver in situations where Excel files get corrupted due to unexpected crashes or system failures.

To utilize Excel's AutoRecover feature to recover corrupted Excel File, follow these simple steps:

  • Launch Microsoft Excel and create a blank workbook. Navigate to the "File" tab in the interface's top-left corner and click Options.

    file options on excel
  • In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Save tab, make sure the ‘AutoRecover file location’ option is checked and then copy the location address where the auto-recovered files have been saved.

    recover corrupted excel file using excel autorecover
  • To get back to your auto-saved file, press Win + E to open the File Explorer window, paste the copied AutoRecover file location into the address bar and hit Enter.
  • You will reach the location where your Excel files are saved and have your hands on the backup of the corrupted file.

Method 3. Excel Corrupted Filr Repair via Changing File Extension of Excel Files

Older file formats (like .xls) may not support newer features or data types present in newer versions of Excel (.xlsx). When opened in a newer version, this can lead to errors or corruption.

Plus, sometimes, older files may contain bugs or issues that newer versions of Excel are not equipped to handle, resulting in crashes or corruption.

To solve the problem, you can:

    On Windows:

  • Open the File Explorer and switch to the top "View" tab.

  • Then check the "File name extension" option from the "Show/hide" section.

    file name extension
  • Switch to the top "Home" or "Computer" section and enable the "Rename" feature.

    recover corrupted excel file by changing excel file extensions windows
  • Then change the corrupted Excel workbook from ".xls" to ".xlsx". Then press Enter.

    On Mac:

  • Go to Finder and select the corrupted Excel file.
  • Select the top "File" > "Get Info". And expand the "Name & Entension" tab from the popup.

    recover corrupted excel file by changing excel file extensions mac
  • Then change the ".xls" file extension to ".xlsx".

Method 4. Recover Excel File That Is Corrupted via Reseting Excel Calculation Option as Manual

Excel has two calculation modes: automatic and manual. If a file has errors when it calculates automatically, switching to manual mode can prevent Excel from trying to recalculate all formulas when opening the file, potentially avoiding crashes or freezes.

Besides, Some formulas may not calculate correctly in a corrupted file, causing errors. By changing it, you can reduce your reliance on these formulas.

Here's how to do that:

  • On Excel workbook, go to "File" > "Options" > "Formulas".

  • Choose the "Calculation options" and select "Manual" under it.

    recover corrupted excel file by settings calculation options as manual

Method 5. Repair Damaged Excel File via Removing Flawed Add-ins from Excel

Some add-ins may not be compatible with the current version of Excel or with other installed add-ins, leading to file corruption. Moreover, add-ins can consume system resources. If they are malfunctioning, they might interfere with Excel's ability to read or write files correctly.

Thus, you can follow the steps below to remove the add-ins and repair Excel files:

  • On the top-left corner of Excel workbook, select "File" > "Options".

  • Choose "Add-ins" from the left menu and tap the "Go" button next to the bottom "Manage: Excel Add-ins" tab.

    repair corrupted excel file by removeing addins
  • Uncheck the add-ins and confirm the option by pressing "OK".

Method 6. Uncorrupt Excel File via Scanning Errored Excel with Microsoft Defender

Microsoft Defender may work in conjunction with other Windows recovery tools that can attempt to repair or recover corrupted files. It can identify issues related to file integrity and help in recovering usable data.

Here's how to make it:

  • Go to the File Explorer and right-click on the damaged Excel file. Then choose "Show more options"

  • Later, choose the "Scan with Microsoft Defender" from the pop-up menu. Then the "Scan options" screen will appear.

    repair damaged excel file by scanning with microsoft defender
  • Select a scan model and hit the "Scan now" button.

Part 3. Why Does Excel Say My File Is Corrupted

Excel files can get corrupted due to various reasons. Here are the common causes behind Excel file corruption that you should be aware of.

  • Unexpected power outage: Abrupt power disruptions during the file-saving process or while working on the Excel file can lead to data loss and file corruption.
  • Virus or malware attacks: Malicious software can infect Excel files and either corrupt them or alter their content, leading to data loss or inaccessibility.
  • Hardware failure: Issues with the hard drive, RAM, or other computer's components can result in data corruption and cause Excel files to become inaccessible.
  • Hard drive's bad sectors: Physical damage to the hard drive can cause errors when reading or writing data, including Excel files.
  • Software or system errors: Unexpected crashes or errors in Excel or the operating system can lead to file corruption.

Part 4. Best Practices to Prevent Excel File Corruption

By going through the methods to repair corrupted Excel files, you must wonder how to protect your office file to prevent file corruption. Worry not; here are some valuable tips for you.

  • Regularly Back Up Your Excel Files: Make it a habit to save copies of your essential Excel spreadsheets to a separate location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage. This way, you'll have a backup if your original file becomes corrupted or accidentally deleted.
  • Auto-save a Backup Copy of Workbook: Without manually copying, you can set an auto-save feature for your Excel workbook.
    1) Click "File" > "Save As" > "Computer" > "Browse".
    2) From the "Save As" box, tap "Tools" > "General Options"
    3) Then select the "Always create backup" option.
  • Keep Your Antivirus Software Up-to-Date: Ensure your computer's antivirus software is constantly updated. This helps protect your Excel files from potential viruses and malware that could cause data corruption.
  • Avoid Abrupt Shutdowns: Close Excel properly and avoid sudden system shutdowns or power outages whenever possible. Shutting down the program correctly reduces the risk of file corruption during the saving process.
  • Be Cautious with Macros: Macros can be useful for automating tasks but can pose a security risk. Only enable macros from trusted sources to prevent potential Excel file corruption due to malicious code.
  • Regularly Update Microsoft Excel: Keep your Microsoft Excel software up-to-date with the latest patches and updates. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can enhance the program's stability and reduce the likelihood of file corruption.

Final Thoughts

So that's how you can successfully repair corrupted Excel files on your computer. All the methods given above have been thoroughly tested and proven to work effectively. If you require a comprehensive solution for handling large amounts of corrupted Excel files, we highly recommend using the 4DDiG Free Online Document Repair tool and 4DDiG File Repair for desktop for optimal results.


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William Bollson (senior editor)

William Bollson, the editor-in-chief of 4DDiG, devotes to providing the best solutions for Windows and Mac related issues, including data recovery, repair, error fixes.

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