How to Cancel Subscription (Recurring Payment)
In order to cancel subscription quickly, you can keep in contact with our support team that will respond within 48 hours.
The steps are various from different platforms. Please choose the payment platform that you placed your order, and cancel your subscription with this guide.
Part 1. How to Cancel Subscription for Most Tenorshare Orders
Subscriptions for most orders can currently only be canceled by contacting customer service.
If your order format is T1231231231231231231 or the invoice you received is similar to the one below, please contact Tenorshare support team directly to cancel your subscription when you need to.
Here is a screenshot of the invoice for your reference:
Part 2. How to Cancel a Subscription on MyCommerce?
You can cancel the subscription by handing in a support request to MyCommerce. Also you can cancel the subscription by yourself, just look at the instructions as followed:
Log in to your MyCommerce account with this link below.
If you do not possess a password, please press on “Request Login/Password” link to reset the password. Follow the steps to reset your password, and then log in to MyCommerce again.
Seek out the order number you need to unsubscribe.
Press on the “Cancel subscription” button in this order.
Click "Yes" to confirm your operation.
Then you will see a pop-out window reminding your subscription to this order has been canceled.
- Finally you will receive a notification email that you’ve canceled your subscription successfully.
Part 3. What to Do If My Order Has Been Renewed Automatically?
The charged subscription fee is not refundable because of system restriction. You will see the subscription plan is “Renewed: Automatic” when you checkout in the shopping cart. Additionally, you will receive a notification email sent by the payment platform beforehand so that there is still an opportunity for you to cancel your subscription.
We are not sure that if you ignored this kind of email or it has been tagged as SPAM. It is not refundable once the order is renewed for these reasons.
Please cancel the subscription timely in order to avoid future recurring payment. Just feel free to contact us for any concerns.